What is FEES?

A Fiberoptic/Flexible Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing involves a trained specialist (typically a Speech-Language Pathologist or “SLP”) viewing the throat and upper airway by inserting a thin, flexible camera into the nose. The patient will then eat and drink while the scope is inserted so that the SLP can view the function of the swallow. The patient receives immediate feedback about their swallow function and strategies that may improve safety and efficiency of swallowing.

Patient-centered care.

ScopeICT brings mobile swallowing diagnostic equipment and expertise directly to you and your patients - without the hassle and cost of transportation and at a third of the cost of a hospital x-ray swallow study. Diagnostic imaging is a necessary tool in order to know if a swallowing impairment is truly present, and if so, how that impairment is best treated. Your facility could save thousands of dollars per year by not unnecessarily using thickened liquids, leaving more room in your budget for higher quality care for your patients.

By utilizing FEES, not only are you ensuring that your patients have access to a high standard of care, but you are providing them with the tools necessary to have an improved quality of life. ScopeICT can complete several studies per visit, meaning that patients won’t have to wait for weeks or months to be seen.